Friday, 9 August 2013

Google Hangouts for Online Training

I've been using for conducting Webinars.

I'm going to do some Group training with a few other people so we've been investigating Google Hangouts as a possible alternative.

Google Hangouts allows you to create a "Google Hangout On Air"

It seems that you invite the people that you want in the Hangout. Then start the hangout and go live, and it will start streaming to a particular URL or live in YouTube.
 Some How Tos:
This simple video describes how to embed it on a blog.
  • April Marie Tucker - How to Start and Embed a Google Hangout to your blog
  • start the hangout from your Youtube account (you don't need to invite anyone yet, you can do that just before you start)
  • get the embed code by clicking on the embed link at the top
  • no-one can see it until you click broadcast
  • once you stop the broadcast, that's it, you can't start it again
  • then manage the video on your youtube video management page it will be public by default - so you might want to hurry off and delete it, if it was a test
You might need to create a chat system below the video if you embed it in a web page, some chat systems people mentioned are:
    • sign up
    • create a live chat
    • choose box
    • create a group name  
    • configure the size and colour of the box
    • switch off sound etc.
    • copy the embed code to your site
    •  if you to to the url of your cat then you can sign in with your chat name and password to manage the chat window, ban users, delete messages etc.
Other Chat systems found via google:
Or use google + or youtube comments.

Additional Options:
References & Other Links

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