Monday, 18 July 2016

Lessons learned after moving course hosting sites.

I've moved course hosting sites several times and there are the lessons I've learned as a result:

  • use the minimum features on that course host as you can
  • avoid customising site
  • avoid domain hosting
  • use your site as the landing page and push through to their site for the checkout
  • use a url shortner that you control
  • create meta data course outline

Use the minimum features on that course host as you can

You want the flexibility to move course hosts if you need to.

They might go bankrupt
They might change terms and conditions
They might have technical issues

It is all out of your control. You need flexibility of movement. If you rely on any 'unique' vendor feature then you can't move.

Avoid customising site

This comes down to flexibility to aid movement.

But what it also means is, don't change the GUI to match your site. The course vendor is 'hosting' and 'selling' the course. Don't make it seem like you are. Treat the hosting site like Amazon, you sell through it.

That also means you don't use their:

  • blog hosting
  • page creation
  • webinar facilities
  • etc.
Or if you do use them, don't rely on them.

Avoid domain/subdomain hosting

The worst thing I did with a hosting vendor was use a sub domain to point to the course e.g.

When I had to move provider this cause me no end of problems.

All my marketing was based around so I couldn't leave it pointing at the hosting service I was moving.

The existing students used to access the courses therefore if I move it they can't access the course.

I had to move the subdomain, and it now points to my main site.


  • I had to send out a lot of email to the existing students
  • I still have to deal with queries of 'why can't I login' etc.
If you do use a subdomain then create a different subdomain for each vendor, but I'd avoid it.

Use your site as the landing page

What tends to happen is that you spend a lot of time marketing yoru course - this is good, and you have to do this.

But if you market direct to the hosting companies site then you're not building your business and your brand.

You need to have your own site, and your own landing pages for your courses.

And always, in all literature, always, link to them.

Only at the point of sale do you click through to the hosting site. 

This unfortunately creates a disconnect during the sales process because it isn't a shopping cart integration its usually a landing page to landing page flow.

This is bad. But, it is better than having to change all the links on all the sites and all the marketing if you have to move hosts.

It also allows you to sell on multiple hosting sites, and possibly A/B test different processes.

Use a URLshortner that you control

If you do want to link directly to the hosting company site then do it through a url shortner/redirector that you control ie. you can amend where the URL points to after you move.

That way you can use a single URL for your marketing, but change it if you have to move later.

Create meta data course outline

I see a lot of messages on hosting vendor forums about:

  • how can I download my videos
Dont' do that.

  • Always keep a backup of each video
  • Always know which video you uploaded to each lecture
  • Always write the description offline and have a backup - copy paste into the hosting site, don't ever edit on their site

I have a text file for each course which lists

  • section : name, description
  • lecture, title, description, upload files, source files etc.

When I have to upload to a new host I simple use my metadata text file to find all the information to upload.

This also allows me to review content offline and see where I cover what topics etc.

Basically - use the host as a 'host' for material, never the source.


All of the above is about flexibility and control.

When we use a hosting service (even if we use a set of wordpress plugins) - and we will have to. We give away flexibility and control.

We want to minimise the impact of changes by having all we need outside the control of the course hosting service.

I hop you never need these lessons. But I've had to use these, and I now have a discipline around course setup, marketing and maintenance that takes these into account.

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